Eyebrow wax burn – find out how to treat wax burns

Eyebrow wax burn – find out how to treat wax burns

Have you heard about eyebrow waxing? Nowadays people tend to remove hair from most parts of their body. Even waxing intimate areas becomes a standard point of wax salon offer.

Unfortunately, eyebrow wax burns occur to many women and men after deciding to remove hair. People want a perfect body and choose wax since it takes longer for the unwanted hair to grow back.

What is an eyebrow wax burn?

Eyebrows are located above the sensitive skin of the eyes that’s why you should be careful about the waxing process involving it. You may be worried about a hair follicle in traditional hair removal but wax burning is involving a longer skin healing process.

Eyebrow wax burns are minor burns, irritations, or even burn blisters. After skin meets too hot soft wax you feel intense scorching and your skin may be ripped, swelling, and extremely red.

When that wax burn happens you have to react quickly to prevent further skin damage! Look out for our advice on where eyebrow waxing goes wrong.

What to do with eyebrow wax burn?

Firstly you should react immediately when you feel burned by hot wax. When you are at the salon inform the services and rely on their experience in protecting the client’s skin. They will stop the waxing, make you feel comfortable, and treat the affected area probably with ice treatments.

Eyebrow wax burns are actually a very common situation since people tend to have extremely sensitive skin. In that case, they may reconsider this hair removal procedure. Usually, eyebrow wax burns in the salon are not skin ripped but rather a redness and irritation, simply saying just minor burns.

What if I have eyebrow wax burn at home?

If you burn yourself at home, you should carefully remove the hot wax from the eyebrow area and treat the affected skin in cold water for about 15 minutes to lower the temperature. It may take longer depending on the level of the skin.

The alternative advice is to look for cool items to stop the pain and irritation. Placing a cold compress wrapped in a cloth on the swelling area relieves the pain and redness. Remember to not apply ice directly to the skin.

The advice is to use more than one ice pack. Your skin may feel hot and some of the eyebrow hair may be burned. When you see burn blisters or an open wound you should consider additional medical attention.

How to treat eyebrow wax burns?

There are a few products that quicken the recovery of eyebrow wax burns. You can even find one of them on your kitchen shelves.

Honey is proven to be helpful in wax burns treatment because of its moisturizing and antibacterial properties. To reduce swelling of burned skin and the pain consider putting on a layer of honey.

Should I use aloe vera gel on burned skin?

Another excellent solution is putting on aloe vera gel which calms the ripped skin and reduces irritation. Always remember to choose 100% aloe vera gel to treat skin more effectively.

These products may be your basic first aid for minor burns but sometimes major wax burns require applying antibiotic ointment on the skin. To protect the affected skin consider covering it with an adhesive bandage or gauze.

Visit your nearest pharmacy for wax burn healing items. For burn pain, it’s reasonable to take painkillers, but when you feel no upturn contact your doctor.

How does the wax burn happen?

Woman righ before wax eyebrow burn

Systematic visits to the wax salon are expensive and people trying to save money burn themselves incompetently. Unprofessional waxing is not only painful, but it can also be dangerous for your health.

That’s why you should always consider paying the specialist or learning the whole waxing process. Sign on for the quality waxing course if you wish to broaden your knowledge and have safe eyebrow waxing.

Hot wax burn, how to avoid?

For the depilation, the hard wax is generally microwaved to ensure the temperature is distributed in a uniform direction. As it changes to soft wax it easily gets overheated or unevenly warmed over. Too hot wax may result in intense wax burns and even eye injuries.

If you lack experience and trying at-home eyebrow waxing you should be careful and always check the temperature of the soft wax before applying it to the skin. Generally speaking, it is recommended to detect allergic reactions by testing the wax on a small part of the skin for example on the forearm.

Which skincare for the wax burns?

The best idea for skincare on the affected area after wax burns is to focus on calming the irritated hot skin by moisturizing. Avoid infection by using a fresh towel or disposal one after washing your face. Remember to quicken the new treatment with antibiotic ointment.

Can I use retinol when I have wax burn skin?

Put away the scrubs and exfoliations since they are too strong for scarring and burned skin. Forget about the retinol since waxing does too much skin damage to risk the treatment process.

Repeat the treatment mentioned above including using aloe vera gel and cold compress. Reduce swelling with moisturizing cream and ask for quality advice treatments from a trusty dermatologist.

How long is a treatment of eyebrow wax burn?

Wax burn is strongly damaging to the skin. Fast reactions including cold water, cold compress, aloe vera gel, and an antibiotic ointment will fasten the wax burn healing process. Once again do not apply ice directly to not enlarge the irritation of the skin!

When will my burned skin heal?

In-house eyebrow waxing involves the risk of burning and infection requiring medical attention. New skin may take weeks or even months to recover. Burned skin will thank for the aloe vera gel and cool treatment.

If you want to cover the irritation and burned skin you may apply makeup. It is important to point out that after eyebrow wax burns it is recommended to sign out of services including waxing brows till the burned skin heals.

One thought on “Eyebrow wax burn – find out how to treat wax burns

  1. I have a eyebrow wax burn and this article was very helpful for me. Im so happy of so many tips and explanations which are made here. Thank you for explaining me so many things.

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