What is a tooth piercing – diamond on teeth? Let’s find out what is it exactly

What is a tooth piercing – diamond on teeth? Let’s find out what is it exactly

Tooth piercing is a new trend that is majorly spreading among the youngsters. Its popularity owes to shimmering tooth ornamentation, which makes you look cool and funky, especially when you are smiling. Ear and body piercings are popular and well known methods to beautify your body, but tooth piercing may sound a bit extravagant and scary at first. After all nobody wants to drill any holes in its teeth or expose them to loss. Putting a tooth gem is not a very complicated cosmetic procedure that lets you look just how you wanted to. Tooth jewelry will sparkle on your teeth with small crystals, or other oral piercings of different shapes carefully attached to your tooth surface. But is oral jewelry safe? Let’s check what is tooth piercing and what we should know about it, before we decide on it.

Is tooth piercing for risk takers?

Firstly is good to know, that tooth piercing is a minimally invasive and painless procedure. Oral jewelry doesn’t require to drill a hole and put a ring across your tooth, but instead gem, stone or any type of jewelry is being glued to your tooth’s surface.

We can say, that in general it is a cosmetic procedure thanks to which your teeth can look sparkling. Tooth gems can brighten you up by adding you a bit of self expression. Is tooth piercing for risk takers? There is no risk with dental piercings but only few things you will have to remember.

Being on the wave of this popular fashion, above all you need to know that your piercing will hold up to six weeks, before you can exchange it for another one, deciding on different patterns, colours and types of jewelry. Depending on materials your tooth piercing can be temporary or semi permanent, giving you possibility for longer than six weeks experience.

However even temporary tooth piercing is something that not all dentists recommend. As all piercings, it needs some care and it can cause some problems of which you can read below.

What’s the procedure for oral piercings like?

You can get your tooth piercing at any selected dental office or piercing parlor. You not supposed to be scared, as the whole tooth piercing procedure is painless and secured, and also done by trained professional. The piercing will be carefully attached to your tooth with bonding agent in professional and sterile environment, preventing from any potential complications. Special lamp cures will harden the bonding agent, glue or cement used to attach gems to your tooth surface, and then piercing professional will instruct you of proper oral hygiene. The whole procedure is not very difficult and possibly will last less than half an hour.

Yet because jewelry placement needs to be done on clean and glassy teeth, possibly you will have to go through teeth whitening and polishing first. In this manner you teeth will be cleaned, whitened and prepared for tooth piercing. There are numerous gems and minerals available in all different shapes and sizes. Most popular oral jewelry are: diamonds, sapphires, crystals, gold and rubies, but your piercing shop for sure will have all selection of possible tooth jewelry ideas.

In most of the cases drilling is not required for this treatment as also not recommended by the dentists. There is type of tooth jewelry called “tooth rings” which are being placed by drilling a hole through the tooth, but as it can do irreversible damage to your teeth it is not a good type of dental piercing.

What is recommended by professionals? It is tooth jewelry that can be glued on temporarily or cemented onto the teeth for a longer-lasting effect. Having removable tooth piercing can give you a bit more flexibility and will be safer version of any piercings you will ever done to yourself.

How to maintain proper oral hygiene and aftercare?

Woman is brushing her teeth gently becuase of fresh tooth piercing

It is important to maintain a proper oral hygiene after the procedure. Piercing needs to be kept clean all the time preventing from any plaque accumulation on the tooth. However you not supposed to clean you teeth vigorously and also try no to touch or play with your piercing as it can fall off. Good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of cavities and periodontal diseases.

Know that when you have a tooth piercing, different food and debris may become trapped under and around the jewelry. It means that your tooth gem can create a serious problem including plaque accumulation, infection or tooth decay. Your tooth can become more sensitive, which will lead to gum diseases.

Although getting a tooth piercing is easy, taking care of will be now more difficult. Remember of your brushing routine, as also flossing and rinsing after each meal. Using mouthwash can be helpful with getting rid of bacterias and refreshing your breath. Keeping everyday hygiene is important for your healthy mouth and to minimize possibility of tooth decay and infection.

Remember that is good to be in contact with your dentist every time you need to reach him/her for the check-up. Tooth piercings can lead to many potential risks and complications. Keep in your mind that teeth are very sensitive and any interruptions can provoke them to serious pain.

Tooth piercing can cause irritation from metal allergies, can interrupt your ability to speak or chew, or can make you more vulnerable to mouth infections. Therefore with the help of your dentist you can prevent any of these and enjoy a beautiful smile.

Are the tooth piercings safe?

There is several potential complications and risks related to the subject of tooth piercing. Most of them have already been listed above. Tooth sensitivity, allergic reaction and plaque are the most common, but there is few more to list below.

One of most common damage that tooth jewelry can do to our teeth is to break from the tooth and be swallowed. Above that sometimes it can cause a hole in the tooth or even breaking part of it. The other damage is irritation to your lips as the jewelry rubs against them. In this and all other cases a visit at the dentist would be a must.

Every potential complications needs to be carefully treated with the care for your good oral hygiene. In this case is helpful to have semi permanent tooth piercing or temporary tooth piercing, that can be easily removed at any time will cause problems. For any help always ask at your piercing shop or dental office, where dental professional in sterile establishment can bring your health back.

 final thoughts on tooth jewelry

This way or another dental piercing is still minimally invasive procedure. Even if you have to remember of all of the potential complications as also to keep your good oral hygiene, your tooth piercing will shine and shimmer bringing you beauty with every smile. All the colorful tooth gems, thanks to easy cosmetic procedure, will give you some self expression you needed. So don’t hesitate and ask your friend for opinion, make yourself a dental piercing and enjoy!

One thought on “What is a tooth piercing – diamond on teeth? Let’s find out what is it exactly

  1. I have never heard before of such a thing! Thanks for giving us so many new informations and news! I love this great article.

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