Jaw shaving surgery – all about the jawline surgery

Jaw shaving surgery – all about the jawline surgery

Beauty standards and concerns about facial appearance are pushing people towards facial cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery is a permanent solution to complex in the opposite to the temporary treatment as non surgical options.

Why jaw surgery becomes more common?

Some people just can stand their double chin (excess fat), loose skin on the neck, or the shape of their chin and jawline. A more defined jawline is an asset but only when the facial balance is maintained. The surgical procedure depends on the goal of the jawline surgery and the base facial shape.

Did you know that reconstruction of the face (in case of accidents) including jaw surgery is called maxillofacial surgery?

Keep reading to find out more about jawline surgery!

How plastic surgery can change jawline shape?

The plastic surgery possibilities are becoming wider each year adjusting to the client’s needs. The jaw and chin plastic surgery usually includes jaw reduction and/or jawline enhancement.

The plastic surgeon can change the look of your lower face entirely.

The shape of the lower face can be changed by jaw surgery or chin surgery. To get a more defined jawline you may decide on chin implant surgery if you were born with a weak chin.

How should I be prepared for jaw surgery?

You should focus on consultations with a plastic surgeon to match the visualization to the effect of the facial appearance you would like to achieve. Then plastic surgeons will pitch you about the surgical procedures for jawline surgery and the recovery period.

Follow all of the instructions.

Does jaw surgery hurt?

The jawline surgery is performed under general anesthesia so you will feel nothing during it. It would be like you just went to sleep for some time.

After jawline surgery, most patients complain about the pain and take painkillers during the recovery period.

Visible scars after jaw surgery?

If plastic surgery is performed by a specialist and surgical procedure is followed there should be no worries about visible scarring after jaw surgery.

How does jaw surgery look like?

During the surgery, small incisions are done and the bony angle is corrected by a micro saw.

Surgeons have experience so don’t worry about masseter muscles’ damage or small incision.

After jaw surgery, you should also stick to the cosmetic procedure and other procedures passed along by your plastic surgeon. The advice is to follow them after any plastic surgery.

What are the surgical options for jawline enhancement?

You would like to know what are the surgical options for jawline enhancement? Well, there are different paths for patients’ needs. Someone may like a more defined chin, the other person may be more concerned about their jawline or neck skin.

Let’s find out these plastic surgery options for the perfect chin and jaw!

Facelift or neck lift

This surgical procedure is dedicated to aging skin with excess fat cells and loose skin. A more defined jaw is achieved by face lift or neck lift, bringing back youthful facial features taken by the time.

Double chin surgery (neck liposuction)

Double chin surgery procedure

The reason why someone has a double chin is excess fat cells that could be removed by a procedure called neck liposuction. Even if someone has well defined jawline naturally it could be covered by submental fat.

This facial plastic surgery will work the best on people with elastic skin however it can be combined with facelift or neck lift for better results.

If a patient is not satisfied with their uncovered natural jaw and chin they can decide on performing a jaw enhancement surgery.

Chin augmentation (chin implant)

Chin and jawline are parts of the lower face that together affects jaw enhancement. If a patient has a naturally weak chin it may not match the strong jawline. To get a more defined chin you may decide on chin implant surgery.

The other reason to consider chin implants is receding chin which can be a huge complex that negatively affects facial appearance. In this case, the chin bone is moved too far behind disturbing facial balance.

Proper size chin implants can help with the receding chin and weak chin.

Orthognathic surgery

Unlike previous jawline surgery, this one is more medical than facial cosmetic surgery. Jawline enhancement in this case is an additional positive outcome.

Orthognathic surgery is performed when the lower jaw does not match the upper jaw causing the patient struggles with daily life (speaking and eating).

During this jawline surgery, the lower jaw is aligned to the upper jaw to make speaking and chewing easier. If treatment is not performed temporomandibular joint disorders and masseter muscles pain can occur.

What are non surgical treatment options?

Are you afraid of any surgical options? Jaw and chin surgery is just too much risk for you?

As mentioned before surgical procedures including neck liposuction, chin augmentation or jawline surgery are a permanent solution for jawline enhancement.

Fortunately, there are non surgical procedures and temporary alternatives for them for example injecting dermal fillers.

Deoxycholic acid

If you have a mild excess fat and are afraid of neck liposuction you may consider the non surgical alternative which is injecting deoxycholic acid. This acid can manage to improve your neck skin appearance by breaking down fat cells.

What dermal fillers can do?

They can smooth the skin and bring back its elasticity of it. Just as facial plastic surgery dermal fillers can improve the symmetry of facial features including the lower face creating a more defined jawline and chin.

That means you can achieve similar results to chin augmentation with non surgical chin injections. Thanks to dermal fillers you can also do a non surgical small neck lift.

Cosmetic injectables are commonly used for filling wrinkles but unfortunately, they will not get rid of loose skin or a lot of excess fat. These goals can be achieved only by facial plastic surgery including neck liposuction.

How long will dermal fillers results last?

In non surgical alternative, it is not sure how long results will last. It all depends on the product, the area of treatment, the patient, and the cosmetic procedure.

You can only get predictions for each specific filler. Sometimes lower jaw injections and alternatives for chin augmentation can last only for months.

That’s why if you care about a permanent result on your chin and jaw consider jaw surgery above non surgical options.

One thought on “Jaw shaving surgery – all about the jawline surgery

  1. Iam dealing with double chin for years now. Now I know many things and I also think that I made right decition and I will go for double chin surgery as fast as it is only possible.

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