Hairy moles – find out why does hair grow out of moles

Hairy moles – find out why does hair grow out of moles

Moles are an accumulation of melanin (the pigment which gives the skin its colour). Hairy moles develop at the moment when the mole have hair follicle. Hair simply pushses through the darker pigmentation on the skin.

Keep reading the article to find out more things about hairy moles with thick hair, like for example is they can develop cancer.

What causes hairy mole?

It is very possible that hair will be growing out of the mole. How is is happening? Well it happens when mole is situated over the hair follicle. So the hairy moles are happening because of a normal mole growing above the hair follicle which produce the hair.

It is very normal to see a hair growing out of moles. In fact those hair which grow out of the moles may be darker and way thicker than other hairs in body parts. This is happening because the extra pigment in the cells may develop darker hair.

Are hairy moles cancerous? – skin cancer

Doctors says that it isn’t common thing for a hairy moles to be cancerous. However it isn’t said that a mole can’t cause a cancer. In fact even a small proportion of moles can turn into a cancer. So thats why is it so important to check our moles. If you notice any kind of changes in colour, shape or texture you should contact your doctor. It should be done because different shape or a darker colour can be a concern.

Is it okay to remove hair from moles?

Doctors says that removing hairs which is growing out of the mole is safe because it doesn’t cause any harm to a persons health. However person who wants to get rid of hair growing out of moles should check out first if mole is no danger to his/hers health. If it is fine person can pull out the hair but if it feels painfull it can be cut off close to the skin.

It is important to remember that frequent plucking can in fact destroy the hair follicle. This will cause the hair become thinner and will be even more likely to become ingrown.

Mole removal

Mole removal is very simple and fast procedure and only local anaesthetic is needed to do it. All that will be left after the procedure and the healing process will be a small scar.

There are two techniques of mole removal. Those techniques are:

  • laser mole removal,
  • surgical mole removal.

Now you know that having a mole removed is in fact simple procedure which can be even done in cosmedics skin clinics.

Signs which should be watched for

There are few signs that should be watch for in moles that are atypical. Those signs are:

Big mole on mans neck ready to be removed

  • larger in size of a pencil eraser,
  • itching,
  • fast changes in growth,
  • two or more than two colors inside the mole (commonly it is combination of black, brown, pink, white or tan),
  • bleeding,
  • change in a texture of mole surface (crusty, smooth, rough, scaly or bumpy),
  • irregular shape.

Attention is needed because the initial signs of the melanoma is usually the change in already existing mole.

Types of skin moles

If you thought that mole is a mole you were wrong. There are in fact different types of a skin moles. Those types of skin moles are:

  • atypical moles – those moles are asymmetrical and those which are larger than a normal ones,
  • typical moles – typical moles are just normal moles which are flat and in a circular shape,
  • acquired moles – this type of moles shows up with time after birth,
  • congenital moles – those moles are the ones which you were born with.


  • normal moles can be brown, black or tan it can also be rised and flat shaped,
  • healthy moles can grow from a small, flat spot to a larger bump the size of a pencil eraser,
  • people with more moles of their bodies are more likely to have a skin cancer and should visit their dermatologist regularly,
  • if you are a person who wants to get rid of hair from a mole but you aren’t up for pulling and ou want some kind of pernament solution you can go for electrolysis or laser removal,
  • it is normal for moles to lighten or darken in its pigment over time,
  • treatment is no needed if doctor won’t find anything malignant during skin check,
  • hairy moles mostly appear in areas like chin or upper lip.


Most moles are harmless and there is nothing to worry about. However now you know what to pay attention to and when to go to the dermatologist and check it out. If there will be needed a removal of a mole there are few treatments which can be used but you already know that after reading the article.

It is very important to head to the doctor with abnormal appearance of the moles.

One thought on “Hairy moles – find out why does hair grow out of moles

  1. I have just noticed that out of my mole are growing hair. I started to get worried but thanks to this exellent article I know that I have nothing to worry about. Thank you for such a great job which is done here.

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